Delaware Fury is looking forward to another great season on and off the field. As our organization continues to grow we could not have done it without help from our community.
We greatly appreciate your consideration of sponsoring our athletes at any of our sponsorship levels for the upcoming 2021-2022 season.
Please follow us on Facebook @delawarefury and Instagram @delawarefurytravelsports to see all the great things happening in our organization or contact us directly at delawarefurytravel@gmail.com if you should need additional information.
$ 100 / Year
- Your business shout out on DE Fury Travel Sports Social Media Pages.
$ 200 / Year
- Your business shout out on DE Fury Travel Sports Social Media Pages, Website, and TeamSnap.
$ 300 / Year
- Your business shout out on DE Fury Travel Sports Social Media Pages, Website, and TeamSnap.
- Your business logo on fundraising event signage and/or t-shirts.
Home Run
$ 500 / Year
- Your business logo on our DE Fury Travel Sports Social Media Pages, Website, and TeamSnap.
- Your business logo on fundraising event signage and/or t-shirts.
- Your business logo on a team banner that hangs at tournaments.
Grand Slam
$ 1,000 / Year
- Your business logo on our DE Fury Travel Sports Social Media Pages, Website, and TeamSnap.
- Your business logo on fundraising event signage and/or t-shirts.
- Your business logo on a team banner that hangs at tournaments.
- Your business logo on a banner inside our Fury training facility.
- Framed print of the team banner.